DentaLife is MedLife’s first dental clinic. Starting with 16th of April 2015, our patients may now enjoy a multitude of medical services under a single roof. The existence of an integrated medical system, strengthens the link between different specialty practitioners, and thereby facilitates patient’s medical experience in our system.
Dentalife offers a variety of services ranging from General Dentistry to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Implant Surgery, Prosthetics, Endodontics, Orthodontics, Dental Esthetics, Pediatric Dentistry, Periodontics, Dental Radiology, Laboratory Service, as well ENT Treatment Services, Neurology or Aesthetic Dermatology, both for adults and children.
Complex Surgeries
We are proud to inform you that our institution does not limit itself to simple interventions. DentaLife addresses more complex conditions such as benign tumors, small dimension neck cysts, maxillary sinusitis, temporomandibular joint disorders, and trigeminal nerve affections.
Patients, who are suffering of craniofacial trauma, lip or tongue cancer, jaw bone and salivary gland affections, usually require general anesthesia and can therefore opt for treatment in Medlife’s Life Memorial or Children’s Hospital.
Innovative Interventions
DentaLife distinguishes itself from its competitors in the areas of innovative interventions such as BREDENT’s Fast & Fixed implants (teeth in less than 24 hours) and Digital Smile Design (DSD).
They say “A smile is the prettiest thing anyone can wear”. If you are not satisfied with your smile, Digital Smile Design (DSD) is software that allows our dentists to offer you just that. The utilization of a predetermined series of photographs and videos, allows our dentists to best understand the relationship between teeth, lips, gum, smile and facial expressions of each individual. This allows dentists to easily design a digital drawing of your future flawless smile before any intervention. Each individualized patient design can be visualized and improved by patient ideas.
As we make our way through life, it leaves its mark on our teeth too. Tooth loss can happen at any stage in life. BREDENT Fast& Fixed is a German procedure which enables a smooth and gentle teeth implantation in less than 24 hours. This procedure offers long term advantages to anyone, weather dealing with single or multiple tooth loss.
Periodontal Disease Treatment
Periodontal disease is a irreversible lesion and can lead to tooth loss if not treated in due time. Ana Maria Răducu, DentaLife’s dentist and medical manager, defines periodontal disease as “the disease of the century”. “Approximately 70% of the globe’s population suffers from one of the various forms of gum tissue damage. Weather it is mild (gingival bleeding, gingivitis) or severe (avulsion progressive periodontal disease with all teeth), this affection needs attention.
The good news for patients suffering of periodontal disease is that they can often be successfully treated by our specialists.
Microbiological tests can identify microorganisms causing the gum inflammation. This will allow our dentists to build a personalized treatment and monitoring plan. Usually treatment of periodontal disease involves a non-surgical method: a special cleaning called “scaling and root planing” which removes plague, tartar deposits as well as tooth and root surfaces. Your doctor might also recommend medication to eliminate infection or to relieve pain.
Medical Equipment
The clinic is equipped with modern and ergonomic equipment and furniture. Our medical equipment includes:
Planneca ProMax 3D panoramic imaging systems and dental cone beam volumetric tomography.
DIAGNOdent Pen
DentaLife Clinic
Address: Bd. Dimitrie Cantemir nr. 1
Opening Hours: Monday- Friday: 8 am -9 pm
Urgent care clinic