Medical Genetics

Genetics and Molecular Biology “MedLife Genetics” Center


ave you ever thought of what it would be like if you could identify in advance the degree of your risk to develop Alzheimer or cancer throughout your life? If there is a point in taking a certain medication, if this medication is going to be efficient for you or if the antiviral treatment is efficient or not for your hepatitis? Now all these are possible thanks to medical genetics.


Medical Genetics is a specialty that helps you find out the information encoded in the genome (the totality of genetic information stored in the DNA), know and avert the installation of certain health conditions determined by the genetic heritage or contribute to the improvement of these conditions through a customized treatment.


Through special screening programs, some genetic diseases can be recognized at an early stage, allowing an adequate intervention and an informed decision.


MedLife is among the few providers of medical services in Europe which are preoccupied with this field and invested in the creation of a complex centre of genetics and molecular biology.


Who could benefit from genetic consulting?

  • Patients with a known or suspected genetic disease: genetic abnormalities, dysmorphic traits, growth retardation, learning dysfunction, unexplained growth abnormalities, ambiguous genital organs, bone diseases, neuromuscular diseases, metabolic diseases, including abnormal results in the neonatal metabolic screening
  • Infertile couples
  • Pregnant women  for which the ultrasound investigations or biochemical testing indicate a risk of certain pregnancy complications or deficiencies at birth
  • Women that have a history of multiple miscarriages, including children dead after birth
  • Couples that present an abnormality with potential genetic implications during one or several pregnancies
  • Family members of a patient suffering from a known or suspected genetic disease
  • Patients with a family history of cancer (breast, ovarian, bowel cancer, etc)
  • Women past the age of 35 that consider getting pregnant
  • Patients with potential risks for pregnancy due to their lifestyle, job or medical history (exposure to emissions, medication treatments, illegal drug consumption, chemical and infectious agents)
  • Consanguineous couples